Filagrano Postal Stationary 2020

Filagrano Postal Stationary 2020

Filagrano INTERI POSTALI 2020 (in Italian)

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About the Book

Filagrano Postal Stationary 2020


The catalog dedicated to postal stationery in the Italian area is now published by San Marino Philately. Confirm the bottom lines, with some changes
New publisher

San Marino Philately is the new publisher of the historian (born in 1978, now in its thirty-second edition) mercurial Filagrano dedicated to postal stationery in the Italian area. “It confronts us with an interesting and important challenge that we have accepted with enthusiasm and a great sense of responsibility,” commented from the Customs company. The “agile graphic and cataloging structure” has been maintained, while remaining attentive to “the market trend which in recent years has shown signs of vitality and interest by many fans”.

The study area is unchanged, i.e. Italy (also complete with productions for abroad, war and colonial, with a military franchise), San Marino, Vatican (with travels of John Paul II), Smom, Europa Cept and PostEurop (but up to to 2003), air dispatches, international vouchers (ending in 2002). The title is organized in 296 pages of “A5” format with color images; it costs 20.00 euros.

As regards the contents, the Kingdom was revised, adding the economic estimates for the double postcards (those with the used question and the answer still attached and new). Alongside some corrections, the news issued in the meantime. The future commitment is to revisit the rest of the work.


Genres: Europe, Italy, San Marino, Thematic stamp catalogues, Vatican
Publisher: Filatelia Sammarinese
Publication Year: 2020
List Price: EUR 20.00
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