Michel Deutschland-Spezial 2023 – Band 2 (in German)
About the Book
Newer edition: Michel Germany Specialized 2024 – Volume 2 (as of May 1945)
Michel Germany Specialized 2023 – Volume 2 (as of May 1945)
German local stamps issued starting in 1945, including official and private stamps; joint issues, Berlin and Brandenburg, Soviet Zone; German Democratic Republic, Berlin (West), Saarland and Saarland as federal state of the F.R.G.; French Zone, American Zone and British Zone; F.R.G., foreign postal offices, international reply coupons.
- Fully revised and updated expert knowledge about contemporary German collection areas!
- Numerous novel discoveries: New type variations and plate flaws in the areas of the Federal Republic, the Soviet occupation zone, the territories of the Allied Control Council, Saarland and Berlin as well as new special details regarding the Bizone complement the recordings.
- This edition is packed with many editorial supplements, such as important terminological clarifications, additional details regarding designers, information about the cross comb perfo-ration of stamps issued by the G.D.R and new differences in the raster in the German Fed-eration collection area.
- In all collection areas, the MICHEL price quotations were revised and updated, including modifications and price adjustments of the type variations of the local issues from 1945 and later, the Allied Control Council, the French and Soviet occupation zones, the first-day sheets of Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany as well as several young issues of the Fed-eral Republic.
- Over 10,300 high-resolution colour photos and approx. 117,300 appraisals
- All novelties presented in MICHEL Rundschau up to and including No. 4/2023
Edition: 53rd
Pages: 1472
Format: 155 mm x 230 mm Hardcover with bookmarker and watermark folding plate

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