Yvert AFRIQUE FRANCOPHONE Volume 1 - 2023 (Catalogue des timbres des pays d´Afrique : de Afars et Issas à Haute-Volta) (in French)
Yvert French Speaking Africa Volume 1 – 2023 (Catalogue of stamps from African countries: from Afars and Issas to Upper Volta)
The first volume of a new series devoted to Africa (excluding former French colonies) is published by Yvert & Tellier.
Discover this new version, enriched with numerous visuals and a completely reworked model!
Previously scattered in the “Overseas” collection, you will find the following countries:
British Central Africa, Spanish West Africa, German East Africa, British East Africa, Italian East Africa, Portuguese Africa, South Africa (British Co.), South Africa (Union), South West Africa, Angola, Ascension, Bantustans, Bophuthatswana, Basoutoland, Bechuanaland, Bengasi, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, British Cameroon, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Juby, Cape Verde, Ciskei, Italian Colonies, Portuguese Colonies, Congo (Belgian), Congo (Zaire), Congo (Portuguese ), Niger Coast, Gold Coast, Cyrenaica, Egypt, Elobey, Annobon & Corisco, Eritrea, East African, Ethiopia, Fernando Poo, Gambia, Ghana, Katanga, South Kasai, Transkei, Venda