Yvert & Tellier Catalogue de cotation des Timbres d'Europe Volume 5 - 2017 - de Saint-Marin à Yougoslavie
Yvert&Tellier Stamp Catalog for European Stamps Volume 5 – 2017 – from San Marino to Yugoslavia
Catalog for quotation of European Stamps from SAN MARINO to YUGOSLAVIA
The novelties of this vintage:
All stamps are now on white background pages and special work has been done to identify countries, categories and years.
This volume contains the following countries/places:
Alexandrette, Anatolia, Basel, Cyprus (Turkish Administr.), Geneva, Istria, Laibach, Lianos (Entr.), Lubiana-Slovenia, Neuchâtel, Geneva Office (United Nations), RTCN, San Marino, Saseno (Ile de ), Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro, Silesia (Upper), Silesia (East), Slovakia, Slovenia, Smyrna, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Thessaly, Thrace, Trieste, Tureste, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Ukraine (Western), Ukraine (South Carpathian), VaticanVaud, Yugoslavia, Zara, Zurich
Format: 21×27 cm – 1056 pages – Softcover