Unificato Europe 2023 Volume 10

Unificato Europe 2023 Volume 10

Unificato Europa 2023 Volume 10 (in Italian)

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About the Book

Unificato Europe 2023 Volume 10


NEW EDITION 2023 The only catalog in Italy entirely in color of Serbia Kingdom, Montenegro Kingdom, S.H.S State, Yugoslavia, complete with services, local issues and occupations, also includes: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatian Bosnia, Serbian Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Krajina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia Rep., Slovenia.

424 colorĀ pages. size 17Ɨ24 cm

Series: Unificato Europa, Book 8
Genres: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Europe, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia
Publisher: Unificato
Publication Year: 2023
List Price: EUR 43.00
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